Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme at UK Universities


The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship programme is one of three Master’s programmes offered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC) provides the UK government scholarship scheme led by international development objectives. It operates within the framework of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) and offers a vivid demonstration of the UK’s enduring commitment to the Commonwealth. By attracting individuals with outstanding talent and identifiable potential from all backgrounds and supporting them to become leaders and innovators on returning to their home countries, the CSC’s work combines sustainable development with the UK national interest and provides opportunities for international partnerships and collaboration.

Purpose: To contribute to development needs of Commonwealth countries by providing training for skilled and qualified professionals and academics who would not otherwise have been able to study in the UK.​

Intended beneficiaries: High-quality postgraduate students from Least Developed and middle-income countries (including fragile and conflict affected states), who have not studied for a year or more in a high-income country before, who would not otherwise afford to study in the UK, and who have the potential to enhance the development of their home countries with the knowledge and leadership skills they acquire.

Award duration: normally 12 months

Application process: UK universities bid for scholarships for specific courses with demonstrable development impact and must agree to fund the living cost component of the scholarships. Applications are made via successful universities, which make the initial selection of candidates, who are subsequently approved by the CSC.

Country: UK

Application Deadline: 12th December 2024



Click Here to Submit your Application on the University’s Website


About Prince Lincoln

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