Politecnico Milano Merit Base International Scholarships 2024-2025


Art. 1 – Availability, amount, type, and target of the scholarships
The scholarships offered through this Call for Application are the following:
– n. 10 Platinum Scholarships – Milan;
– n. 18 Gold Scholarships – Milan;
– n. 1 Gold Polo di Cremona Scholarship;
– n. 16 Gold “Morigi” Polo di Piacenza Scholarships;
– n. 10 Gold Polo di Piacenza Scholarships;
– n. 10 Silver Polo di Cremona, Lecco, Mantova, Piacenza Scholarships.
All Merit Based International Scholarships offer exemption from tuition fees payment for the entire academic year which they are assigned for.
Art. 1.1 – Platinum and Gold Scholarships
The amount of the Platinum Scholarships is 10.000€ gross.
The amount of the Gold Scholarships is 8.000€ gross.
All international students who apply1 to enrol in a first year of Master of Science taught in English in one of the Milanese Campuses – either Leonardo or Bovisa – for the academic year 2024-2025 can apply for these scholarships. In the awarding phase, priority will be given to female international students
who will be applying to attend a Master of Science during the academic year 2024-2025 in one of the following courses:

oAeronautical Engineering;
oAutomation and Control Engineering;
oComputer Science and Engineering;
oElectrical Engineering;
1 Enrollment application implies having paid the application fee.


Servizio Diritto
allo Studio
oHigh Performance Computing Engineering;
oMechanical Engineering (Milan);
oSpace Engineering.
Art. 1.2 – Gold Polo di Cremona Scholarship
The amount of the Gold Polo di Cremona Scholarship is 5.000€ gross.
All international students who apply2 to enrol in a first year of Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering or Music and Acoustic Engineering taught in English in
Polo di Cremona for the academic year 2024-2025 can apply for this scholarship.
Art. 1.3 – Gold “Morigi” Polo di Piacenza Scholarships
The Gold “Morigi” Polo di Piacenza Scholarships consist of a slot in a double room in the accommodation Collegio Morigi, inclusive of breakfast and one other meal from Monday to Friday
– from 11.9.2024 until 31.7.2025 for students enrolling in the first semester;
– from 10.2.2025 for students enrolling in the second semester. In the month of August students will be able to leave only their luggage in the accommodation. During the Christmas and Easter Breaks, Collegio Morigi will be running only its accommodation service.
All international students who apply3 to enrol in a first year of Master of Science in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design or Energy EngineeringRenewables and Environmental Sustainability taught in English in Polo di
Piacenza for the academic year 2024-2025 can apply for these scholarships.
Art. 1.4 – Gold Polo di Piacenza Scholarships for Master of Science courses in
Mechanical Engineering – Mechatronics for Manufacturing
The amount of the Gold Polo di Piacenza Scholarships is 2.500€ gross.
All international students who apply4 to enrol in a first year of Master of Science
in Mechanical Engineering – Mechatronics for Manufacturing taught in English in
Polo di Piacenza for the academic year 2024-2025 can apply for these
2 Enrollment application implies having paid the application fee. 3 Enrollment application implies having paid the application fee. 4 Enrollment application implies having paid the application fee.
Art. 1.5 – Silver Polo di Cremona, Lecco, Mantova, Piacenza Scholarships
The Silver Scholarships consist of exemption from tuition fees payment for the entire academic year which they are assigned for.
All international students who apply5 to enrol in a first year of Master of Science taught in English in Polo di Cremona, Polo di Lecco, Polo di Mantova or Polo di
Piacenza for the academic year 2024-2025 can apply for these scholarships.
Art. 2 – How to apply
Students will be able to apply for the Merit Based International Scholarships through the dedicated section available on the Online Services through this path:
Benefits and Agreements > Economic benefits > Scholarships for
International Master of Science Students a.y. 2024-2025
Art. 2.1 – Motivational questions In the portal, students will need to upload a file where they will need to answer
the following motivational questions:
o What makes you an outstanding student besides your grades? (max. 200
o Write a brief statement explaining why you are interested in pursuing a
MSc in Politecnico di Milano in the chosen programme and how this scholarship will help you achieve your academic and career goals. (max.
500 words).
Art. 3 – Deadlines to apply for the first semester
All students who have applied to attend a Master of Science course taught in
English starting from the first semester (namely, from September 2024) and for which the assignment of these scholarships is contemplated by this Call, can apply in different timeframes:
FIRST TIMEFRAME: from January 15th 2024 and until noon (Italian time) on
March 1st 2024;
SECOND TIMEFRAME: from April 8th 2024 and until noon (Italian time) on April
30th 2024,
5 Enrollment application implies having paid the application fee.
Those who have submitted an application within the FIRST TIMEFRAME and do not get selected for any scholarship will be automatically reconsidered in the
This implies that this category of students will NOT have to submit another application during the SECOND TIMEFRAME.
Therefore, should they decide for their application NOT to be considered any further, they will be able to login on their profile and delete their application.
All students who have applied to attend a Master of Science course taught in
English starting from the first semester (namely, from September 2024) and for which the assignment of these scholarships is contemplated by this Call, can apply in a
THIRD TIMEFRAME: from May 6th 2024 and until noon (Italian time) on June 13th 2024.
Similarly, all unawarded students who applied during the previous two timeframes will be considered in the THIRD TIMEFRAME too, unless they had previously cancelled their application.
Art. 4 – Deadlines to apply for the second semester
All students who have applied to attend a Master of Science course taught in
English starting from the second semester (namely, from February 2025) and for which the assignment of these scholarships is contemplated by this Call, can apply in a
FOURTH TIMEFRAME: from June 17th 2024 and until noon (Italian time) on July 15th 2024.
Within this timeframe, any other application submitted during the previous ones will NOT be considered, for they would be related to a first semester intake.
Art. 5 – Assignation
The assignation of the Merit Based International Scholarships is deliberated by a specific Commission, nominated through an Executive Decree of the Campus Life
Area and composed by the Vice Rector for Politecnico di Milano’s International
Relations and by the Heads of Schools or their delegates.
The ranking will be defined by considering those applying for the Call regulating this assignation and who will ensure to have accepted the outcome of the evaluation, as well as to upload a suitable language certificate, which will need to be verified by the deadline established for each timeframe.
The judging Commission will proceed with its evaluations, by considering parameters such as gender equality, geographic origin, the candidates’ age, and the content of the answers to the motivational questions. In case of parity, the youngest candidate will be prioritised.
Art. 5.1 – Notification of the outcome In regards to the first three timeframes, the outcome of the assignment will be communicated through the email address which the candidate would have provided upon their application of admission to Politecnico di Milano within two months from each timeframe’s closing date.
In regards to the fourth timeframe, the outcome of the assignment will be communicated through the email address which the candidate would have provided upon their application of admission to Politecnico di Milano within three months from the timeframe’s closing date.
Art. 5.2 – Acceptance
The awardees will need to accept the scholarship by paying the administrative fee amounting to approximately 170€ by the deadlines specified in the assignment email, by following the instructions provided by the Student Affairs Unit.
Failure paying the administrative fee by the deadline will correspond to the unacceptance of the scholarship.
Awardees will, therefore, need to finalise their enrollment on the academic year and in the semester which their scholarship was assigned for by the preestablished deadlines.
Failure enrolling on the academic year and in the semester which the scholarship was assigned will cause the loss of the latter, albeit previously accepted.
Art. 6 – Issuance
In order to enable the concrete issuance of the Merit Based International
Scholarships, the awarded student will need to upload their IBAN code on their
Online Services, unless they have already done so. Here is the path:
Online Service > Data > Management of payment methods
In particular, the IBAN must be linked to:
– an Italian account or in any case to one belonging to SEPA Area (Single Euro
Payments Area), headed to the name of the student, or
– an Italian account or one in SEPA Area with a joint name of the student (+ a relative/other), or else
– a prepaid card (linked to an Italian account or to SEPA Area), headed to the sole name of the student. For this solution, the prepaid card must have a minimum credit limit which needs to be equal or superior to the amount of the Scholarship.
Art. 6.1 – Merit Platinum Scholarships Milano
The Merit Platinum Scholarship Milano is delivered in three instalments:
o First one: 4000€, at the beginning of the semester which it is assigned for;
o Second one: 3000€, upon verification of passing at least one exam during the first semester;
o Third one: 3000€, upon verification of passing at least one more exam.
Art. 6.2 – Merit Gold Scholarships Milano
The Merit Gold Scholarship Milano is delivered in two instalments:
o First one: 4000€, at the beginning of the semester which it is assigned for;
o Second one: 4000€, upon verification of passing at least one exam during the first semester.
The detailed schedule will be communicated to students through the assignment emails once the acceptance of the respective scholarships will be finalised.
Art. 6.3 – Merit Gold Polo di Cremona Scholarship
The Merit Gold Polo di Cremona Scholarship is funded by Polo di Cremona and it is delivered in two instalments:
o First one: 2500€, at the beginning of the semester which it is assigned for;
o Second one: 2500€, upon verification of passing at least one exam.
Art. 6.4 – Merit Gold “Morigi” Polo di Piacenza Scholarships
Merit Gold “Morigi” Polo di Piacenza Scholarships are funded by Polo di
Piacenza, consist of the benefits described in Art. 1.3 of this Call and can NOT be monetarised.
Art. 6.5 – Merit Gold Polo di Piacenza Scholarships
Merit Gold Polo di Piacenza Scholarships are funded by Polo di Piacenza and are delivered through one instalment at the beginning of the semester, amounting to 2500€ gross.
Art. 6.6 – Silver Polo di Cremona, Lecco, Mantova, Piacenza Scholarships Once accepted, Silver Scholarships render their awardees entitled to tuition fees exemption for the entire academic year which they are assigned for.
Art. 7 – Renewal
The Merit Based International Scholarships described in Art. 1 and assigned for the academic year 2024-2025 can be renewed for the successive academic year, namely 2025-2026.
The renewal condition is that by:
• August 10th 2025, for those who got the scholarship on the first semester;
• February 28th 2026, for those who got the scholarship on the second semester,
the sum of the grades multiplied by the respective sum of ECTS must be equal or
superior to the following points:
Points needed to renew the scholarship on the first semester
1000 points 700 points 700 points Points needed to renew the scholarship on the second semester 1200 points 900 points 900 points
In the abovementioned calculation, extra ECTS, internships, and ECTS gained through a separate academic career will not be taken into consideration, albeit validated by Politecnico di Milano (aka, those credits which are marked with “C” on the study plan).
It is also mandatory for the awarded student to remain enrolled on the same study course and level which they obtained the scholarship for.
In case of renewal, the awardee will be able to enrol in the academic year 2025- 2026 by paying merely the administrative fee.
In case the scholarship does NOT get renewed, the student will need to pay both the administrative fee and their tuition fees in order to regularly enrol in the academic year 2025-2026.
Art. 8 – Incompatibility
The Merit Based International Scholarships are incompatible with other scholarships issued by Politecnico di Milano nor by any other public or private
Entity, with exemption for those issued for the participation of students to international mobility programs.
Should the student be assigned another scholarship and/or benefit which are incompatible with their Merit Based International Scholarship, it will be their duty to exercise the right of choice within ten days from the most recent awarding.
Specifically, they will need to send an email to internationalscholarships@polimi.it, explicitly declaring which scholarship they wish to keep and which to renounce to. Should such right of choice not be exercised within the abovementioned timeframe, all benefits offered to the student will be
automatically suspended.
Art. 9 – Withdrawal from studies
The Merit Based International Scholarships have a minimal duration of one (1) academic year, starting from the semester when they were assigned.
Should the awardee decide to officialise a withdrawal from their studies before the preestablished end of the academic year which they got their scholarship assigned for, they will lose their entitlement to the latter and they will need to refund the amount received up until the date of their withdrawal.
The withdrawal from studies will need to be promptly communicated to the
Financial Aid Unit by sending an email to international-scholarships@polimi.it.
Art. 10 – Suspension
The Merit Based International Scholarship’s beneficiary who decides to suspend their studies temporarily, will need to request the suspension of the benefits of the scholarship and to provide the respective motivations by sending an email to international-scholarships@polimi.it.
Art. 11 – Fiscal Treatment
Merit Based International Scholarships constitute a form of income from employment and are, therefore, subjected to the current regulation which disciplines scholarships on fiscal matters.
Fees covered by Politecnico di Milano correspond to aliquota IRPEF for the respective fiscal year.
Art. 12 – Verification on truthful statements
Politecnico di Milano will be entitled to verify the truthfulness of the declarations of the student even after awarding the scholarships regulated by this Call for
Applications. Additionally, the University will be able to exercise the faculties regulated by the current laws, specifically by art. 10 D. Lgs. N. 68/20112, by
D.P.R. n. 445/2000 art. 71, as well as by art. 11 of D.P.C.M. n. 159/2013 and by
the relative INPS’s update n. 171 of December 18th 2014.
In case of untruthful statements sanctions disciplined by art. 75 and 76 of D.P.R.
n. 445/2000 and by art. 10 D. Lgs. N. 68/2012 cit. will be applied, along with legal measures, should the act constitute a crime.
Art. 13 – Personal Data Processing
By submitting the application in the manner indicated in this Call for
Applications, the student consents to the processing of their personal data collected for the purposes identified in this Call for Applications for the assignment of Financial Aid benefits for the a.y. 2024-2025.
The processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation as of April 27th 2016, no. 679 (General Data Protection
Regulation, GDPR). The “Data Controller” is Politecnico di Milano.
The full policy is available from the Data Controller or the specific webpage on the University website through the following link: https://www.polimi.it/privacy.
Art. 14 – Head of the Procedure In accordance with the Law of August 7th 1990 n. 241 and subsequent modifications, the Heads of the Administrative Procedure for this Call of
Applications is Dott.ssa Gabriella Rega.
Art. 15 – Publication
This Call for Applications is published on Politecnico di Milano’s official webpage.
Financial Aid Unit
Email: international-scholarships@polimi.it
This Call is translated in English for mere informative purposes. For the application and
resolution of any dispute and for all legal purposes, solely the Italian version is valid.

Country: Italy

Application Deadline: 15th July 2024



Click Here to Submit your Application on the University’s Website


About Prince Lincoln

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